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Running a community RPC node

After Celo mainnet transitions to L2, validators that are eligible, registered and elected must run RPC nodes in order to be eligible for rewards.


To register as a validator, follow the instructions as in the current docs. The only difference is that BLS signatures are not required.

Run a node

See the guides for running a node or the guide on how to migrate a L1 node.

Register as RPC provider

To register as a RPC provider, a public https url needs to be registered on-chain. To do this, we will register the rpc url in a signed metadata file in the Celo Account.


Make sure to be in CLI in version at least 6.0.0-beta.5

The --from flag in the CLI can either be the validator account itself, or the validator signer.

  1. Create a new metadata file. If, instead, you want to update an existing one, download it instead of creating it.

    $ celocli account:create-metadata ./metadata.json --from $VALIDATOR_SIGNER

  2. Register your public RPC url:

    $ celocli account:claim-rpc-url ./metadata.json --from $VALIDATOR_SIGNER --rpcUrl $RPC_URL

  3. Upload this metadata file to a publicly available URL with high availability.

  4. Now link this URL to the validator Celo account:

    $ celocli account:register-metadata --url $METADATA_URL --from $ACCOUNT_ADDRESS

  5. Verify that the metadata registration was successful by retrieving it:

    $ celocli account:get-metadata $ACCOUNT_ADDRESS